Saturday, March 5, 2011

Little girl, Embrace your Curls!!

I have a younger cousin that has the prettiest long natural hair, but she want to wear it straight. She has not embraced her natural curliness. How can she when people keep saying her hair is unmanageable and that she needs a perm. She most definitely doesn't need a perm, her hair is not kinky but a straight kind of tight coiled curls. And it's really thick. I'm worried about her hair, and the difficulty of getting others to see that using natural products that are made at home are not bad. Buying store bought products is not all there is,sometimes being your own chemist works, especially if you have allergies. Why is this? Well you know what's in the product.Most store bought products have ingredients that are hard to pronounce. I mean how hard is it to say this product contains almond oil instead of Prunus dulcis or Prunusamygdalus, not everyone is a scientist.Anyhow,I've gotten off track. I wish my little cousin would someday love her curls, and not think that straight is the only kind of beauty.


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