Sunday, September 19, 2010

What is beauty?

Well many say beauty is in the eye of the beholder, yet what if  the definition for this person is the commercialized view of the slender, fair-skinned, straight-haired beauty that we see everyday in the media? What has been seen as beautiful has transitioned over the years, but the idea of being thin has maintained. In the early years women used to suffocate themselves just to have that eighteen inch waist, even foregoing a few ribs in the process. Beauty=Sexy, and apparently sex sells, but at what cost, self -esteem, self-loathing, etc. But anyhow that's whole different blog, my point is about how many people are against going natural, why because of this ideal that straight is beauty and professional and natural is just a nappy mess. Me personally have chosen to go natural because it allows me versatility and is better for my hair. However, I find it unfair that being natural is not seen as what it truly is....EMPOWERING!!!Many women that I've talked to are afraid to take this step because they see natural nappy hair as unmanageable, but if taken care of  properly it actually quite the opposite. I think no matter whether you're natural or straight, its you that defines beauty within yourself, take care of your hair and yourself.


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